Peripheral artery disease walking pain

Peripheral artery disease is causing the pain when walking, it is critical to clear these arteries to save the heart

Peripheral artery disease is causing the pain when walking, it is critical to clear these arteries to save the heart

The pain when walking with peripheral artery disease is a strong indication that the heart may be effected. There are over 5 million in the United States who live with this painful condition that effects the legs, the aches and pains come from the circulation damage that occurs when the illness of PAD strikes. What should be of utmost importance is to recognize that peripheral artery disease walking pain means the arteries in the legs are dangerously restricted, what is happening to the arteries of the legs is also effecting the circulation to the heart.


Why the legs hurt


PAD is a condition were the arteries of the legs have been blocked due to dangerous and sticky plaques, these plaques narrow the blood vessels and blocks the circulation of blood. Without rich oxygen blood circulating through the limbs there is very serious damage, swelling and heavy weighted down legs are a sign of deep circulation trouble. PAD is a very serious condition that is also indicative of cardiovascular troubles, we often forget that the circulatory system is connected, if there is a blockage in the legs the heart is equally effected. Peripheral artery disease walking pain is a sign that the heart is working harder to circulate blood through out the body.


The number one heart attack sign


The number one heart attack sign is PAD, this condition is often missed by doctors, an EKG (The standard test for heart health) test does not show artery blockage in the legs, this is why so many with Pad have sudden heart attack; if you have painful walking, heavy,tired legs it is a sign of artery blockage in the legs. PAD surgery involves a very serious operation where a stent is placed in the leg, the stent attempts to get more blood flow through the leg artery and to the heart, this is not an easy procedure and often effects the heart during the operation, the cost is 5-7 thousand US dollars. Walking pain from Peripheral artery disease must be addressed quickly to protect the heart.


There is a diet created in Europe that has been reversing PAD without surgery, the specialized diet was shown to increase the leg blood flow naturally and stop the pain


See here Reverse PAD without surgery








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